Well just when you are contemplating the wisdom of starting a new camping business in one of the wettest valleys in Britain along comes a major pandemic!

Obviously all of our wedding events are now postponed for the foreseeable future so we have decided to become a little creative.

The other day we went to look at a potential new location in order to create a ‘pop up campsite’ in collaboration with the owners of a very old farmhouse high in the mountains on the Llyn Peninsula. After you wind for miles up the single track road you are met with the most spectacular views you can imagine, utterly breathtaking.

We set up some bell tents and stayed in them for the night, it was just lovely. The stars were so clear as it is so dark up there. This is very different to the wedding glamping we usually offer. The field is super remote, until recently sheep have been on it and in parts it is a little bumpy and slopey. It is really exposed which gives it the stunning views all around but it could get windy up there. Clearly there are no showers but there is a gorgeous river close by and the sea down below.

I’m trying to give a realistic perspective of the site, this won’t be camping for everybody’s taste. It’s remote and raw but for those who like that it could be a wonderful place to stay. The nature here is untouched, there are badgers and hares everywhere. The farm has horses which the owners are happy to offer for trekking on paths where you won’t see another soul. There is a large stone circle upon the farmland and the walking possibilities are endless. Not full of home comforts but it’s like visiting fairyland!

The only way to offer this as a place to stay is to keep numbers low to be considerate to the surroundings as well as the logistics of that single track road! We are thinking of starting with a handful of bell tents each with their own toilet tent and space them around the site.Each tent will have flooring, air beds, bunting, fairy lights etc but you will need to bring your own bedding.

Fire pits are available and we ask that you buy the seasoned wood from the farm. It’s lovely having a fire up there.

This ‘pop up site’ will only last for 28 days and then the land will be returned to the exact same condition that we found it in.

We are dipping a toe in the water to see if anyone would be interested in coming to stay here. Get in touch if you might be. Diolch.